Off to the “Florida Healing Revival”

Hi guys,

 After much prayer and thought, Teresa and I are heading on down to Florida to check out the move of God at Lakeland Florida. In case you haven’t heard, there is a move of God going into it’s 4th week. There have been many miraculous healings, some with documented doctors reports, but more importantly there has been many come to The Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

I know there will be many who will speak out against this “move” and say they don’t believe it to be of God. All I can say is, do like me and go check it out for yourself!

When there was contention between the Apostle Paul and the other Apostles, people were sent to check him out. They were able to see first hand what was going on before making a rash decission or pass some wrong judgement.

I encourage everyone to think of this, “If this is not from God, then it will fail and fall to the wayside, BUT if it is of God then you will be fighting against Him”.

The site will not be moderated after Friday, so if you post then your post may not appear until Monday.

Love in Christ Jesus



Filed under Charismatic, Christianity, church, evangelical, faith, God, Jesus, Pentacostal, prophets, religion, Spirit of God, theology

49 responses to “Off to the “Florida Healing Revival”

  1. I pray God gives you safe passage and a spiritual mountain top at the end of your journey. With God, all things are possible!!! Bryan

  2. Lee


    You wrote:

    I encourage everyone to think of this, “If this is not from God, then it will fail and fall to the wayside, BUT if it is of God then you will be fighting against Him”.

    Well, I’m not so sure about your thoughts here. Todd Bentley is apparently from Patricia King’s Extreme Prophetic. If you haven’t already, I strongly encourage you to research Bentley.

    Look here:

    It looks like Bentley here is just guessing. Look at this post as this is where I was first made aware of the above footage:

    “10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people…. …For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.” Matthew 24:10-11, 24

    What do you think of the ‘fruit’ of Toronto and Brownsville/Pensacola? From what I’ve read they were a mixed bag at best. Be sure to be prayed up before you go in. I’m sure there will be spiritual activity; but, I’m not sure the Holy Spirit will be there.

    9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. 2 Thess 2:9-12

  3. lbolm

    Thanks for your remarks. I also wrote this;
    “I know there will be many who will speak out against this “move” and say they don’t believe it to be of God. All I can say is, do like me and go check it out for yourself!

    When there was contention between the Apostle Paul and the other Apostles, people were sent to check him out. They were able to see first hand what was going on before making a rash decission or pass some wrong judgement.”

    You wrote that you had read “such and such” and had seen these things on youtube etc. That is not an unbiased way of looking into any subject.
    Every “move of God” and every ministry, mine included, should be held accountable for what they teach, preach, and lead those they come in contact with. HIS Word and Will is the “plumbline” in which we are to measure these things up against.
    The problem with most people is “doubt and unbelief” and that almost always throws them into a “skeptic” mode without even considering that this might be from God!

    I invite you to read my “Why Pray Amiss ? A look at Acts 12 ! post.
    I will go prayed up. I am always seeking God’s face and God’s will, not only for me and my personal walk, but for those that I have been charged with to lead as their shephard.

    Thanks again for coming by and feel free to drop by anytime.
    Love in Christ Jesus

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  5. I went twice. I pray you have a true encounter. Get ready for the flack that comes with every move. There has never been a genuine move of God that was not accused of being false (read Acts 2! lol).

    Did the earth shake and God come down in bodily form and remove every bit of skepticism? No. I don’t think that is how He works.

    did I encounter the presence of God in an amazing way? Oh yeah!

  6. Tim H


    Why do you want to go to the “revival”?

    Tim H

  7. lbolm

    I could give all kinds of reasons why I want to go, pros and cons, etc.etc….

    BUT, Why not go?


  8. Tim H

    Just wondered if you were going because you felt that God wanted you to be a part of the minstry there or are you going because you want to see and join in on the “manifestations” part as if this were a big Holy Ghost party?

    Are you going because you want an “experience” or are you taking people who truely need to “experience” Christ? Are you hoping to gain something new that you haven’t “experienced” before or can’t “experience” in your own life and walk with Christ?

    Simply… What’s the draw for you?

  9. lbolm

    Let’s start at the top of your list.
    No, not part of the ministry team there.
    No, I can stay here and have my own Holy Ghost party, if there is such a thing. OH Yea, I remember!! Ain’t no party lika Holy Ghost Party and a Holy Ghost Party don’t stop!!! Is that what you are talking about ???

    No, I don’t need an “experience” other than the one I had when I was 12. You know the one. It’s called “The Salvation Experience”. Of course when I got tounges was pretty good too.

    No, I am not taking people, just me and my wife.
    No, I am not hoping to gain anything. I am not in the Ministry for gain of anykind, except to grow in my relationship with HIM.
    No, I can pretty much “experience” whatever God wants me to right here.

    As far as the draw, Hmmmmm.

    “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”

    HE draws those near who lift Him up.
    That’s the “draw”

    Love in Christ Jesus

  10. Lee


    you wrote“BUT, why not go?”

    To be spared from possible deception and demonic strongholds maybe? I mean, just LOOK at that first video. Does this look like a humble man of GOD? Where’s the humility? How does this point to Christ?

  11. Tim H


    Have fun and tell us all about the “manifestations” that you “experience”. Expect a full report.

  12. Lee

    Hey, it looks like time is standing still! 😉 All the last posts are identified as coming from 12:13.

  13. Tim H

    It’s a miracle.

    Time has stopped and the sun is in reverse!

    Maybe Superman is flying faster and faster to reverse time to save Lois Lane.

    Go Superman!!!!!!!!!!!

    The clock is turned off…….????

  14. lbolm

    Time is not important!!

    Yes, the clock is not turned on

  15. lbolm

    Lee wrote;
    “Does this look like a humble man of GOD? Where’s the humility? How does this point to Christ?”

    Lee, what does a “humble man of God” look like ?
    Does he look like Charles Stanley or maybe Billy Graham ?
    Does he look like John the Baptist ?
    What does “humble” look like ?

    As far as how does it point to Christ ? Are you referrencing your youtube thing and what you read at some website or are you referrencing something that you have been to Florida and seen for yourself ?

    You are doing exactly what I asked people not to do in the original post, which was to “prejudice” yourself against something you have no first hand knowledge of.

    Let me ask you something Lee.
    Do you judge everything by how it appears ?


  16. lbolm

    Lee wrote;
    “To be spared from possible deception and demonic strongholds maybe?”

    As a minister I come into contact with deception and demonic strongholds on a daily basis. If I was worried about that, then I maybe should back up and look at who Called me in the beginning..


  17. Lee

    A Humble man of God looks like Charles Stanley, Billy Graham and John the Bapist. They exalt God and Jesus and not themselves. This does not mean they aren’t assertive or that the never get angry (righteous anger).

    This Bentley guy even blows on one of the ladies as she falls backwards and says, “take that!” I mean gimme a break! He finds someone in the audience who had an experience with lightning, calls the guy over and says (oh, and you can just TELL he’s “in the spirit”) “Psalm 29.” Now, is it POSSIBLE that Bentley already had this scripture BEFORE the man came forward — in fact, before the “show” began?

    He is a follower of Bob Jones — and I’m SURE Jone’s is not a Christ follower but rather a false prophet. If I wanted to known as a true man of God, I certainly would not align myself with one who has been proven false.

    God can and does show up anywhere, though. The Holy Spirit is inside every true believer.

  18. lbolm

    Just based on your comments, take a look at my picture and tell me do I satify your description of “humble”?

  19. Lee


    This has nothing to do with external looks solely; and, I feel as though you know that. Now I can say I’ve seen your writings over on signofjonah, here, and other places and while I do not always agree with what you write, you don’t come off as being arrogant. Bentley comes off as arrogant.

  20. lbolm

    BTW Lee,
    Since you seem to like digging around on the web for juicy tidbits, maybe you might check on a June 2000 issue of Christianity Today and an interesting article on Charles Stanley. And while you are digging around try typing in Billy Graham and Masons and see what you get!!

    THERE IS NONE without sin in their life, though we have all been forgiven and our sin is not who we are anymore, if we are in HIM!

  21. lbolm

    I am sorry Lee,
    I can’t say that you are any one else is arrogant until I get to really know that person.
    Todd Bentley may seem weird, out there, arrogant or whatever you choose to call him, but unless you really know him, I suggest you laying off the labels.

    I just posted some comments earlier with TimH @ thegreycoats about “labels”

    You know, now that I think about it, If we were reading the words of Paul, the apostle, without ever reading them in the Bible, and we were reading them on a blog, we would probably have labeled him a bit arrogant too.
    Just a thought!!!

  22. Lee


    I agree: all are without sin. And, we true Christians are forgiven by the unmerited grace provided by our Lord Jesus Christ. And, using His Word as the plumbline, we are told to test the spirits. From my view, Bentley’s is questionable at best. It’s clear to me that no Holy Spirit indwelled believer would become essentially a disciple of Bob Jones and even have a vistitation by the “angel” named Emma who also visited Jones. See here:

    If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you’ll see that this is from Bentley’s own Fresh Fire Ministries.

  23. Lee

    To save you a bunch of reading, just go down to part 3 and scroll till you find “EMMA, ANGEL OF THE PROPHETIC”

  24. lbolm

    What would you say if I told you that I personaly know of a man who was visited by “Emma” and he is not a follower of Todd Bentley or Bob Jones.

    Do you think that God won’t send angels to whomever HE pleases ?

    I haven’t seen them myself, but my friend has and so does my wife. I certainly don’t question either one of them as far as their walk with God The Father.

    Why is it that anything outside of “Normal Sunday Church” gets labeled as some heresy?

  25. Lee


    I know someone personally who knows a pastor and his wife who went to see one of Chuck Pierce’s Prophetic Conferences. Well, I think, as recall mark jr. write, their discerner is broke!

    I would certainly have reservations about those folks who saw “Emma!” So, where in the Bible has an angel ever appeared as a woman? And, “Emma” is supposed to be “…a mothering-type angel that helped nurture the prophetic as it broke out [in 1980 in Kansas City]?”

    Certainly, God can send an angel to whomever He pleases. And, Satan masquerades as an angel of light. How can one know the difference? Holy Scripture! Always check against the plumbline!

  26. lbolm

    This has been fun and all that, but I go back to my earlier comment to you.

    I come into contact with decption and demonic strongholds on a daily basis. I don’t fear those things as far as me getting caught up into something that God didn’t direct me into.
    My Discerner ain’t broke!!

    Bless you my friend and I will catch you later,

    Love in Christ Jesus

  27. Lee


    I agree you/we shouldn’t fear the demonic; but, I believe you/we should respect it and not go looking for it either. And, of course, I’ve no idea if God truly led you to this Lakeland thing or not. That’s between you and God. I will pray for you.

    On a tangent: I do know this. If I were to pick up a ouija board and play around with it that I would be entering the demonic realm. God is not going to protect me when I foolishly disobey His clear instructions. I think this is where a lot of Christians go astray — that is, thinking that God will protect them in such cases. This is what my ex-friend (and her mentor) who was into “the prophetic” told me. That is, that I would be protected in the spiritual realm from deceptive/demonic spirits because I was a Christian. I believe this assertion was disproved at Toronto/Brownsville. I have no problem learning from other’s mistakes.

    God bless you Jake as well. I have some things I need to do; so, I’ll catch you later, also.

  28. lbolm

    Mark 16:15And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
    16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
    17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
    18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

    Matthew 10:1And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

    Jesus didn’t command us to run away from demons nor do I know of any reason i should be a respector of a demon.


  29. lbolm

    AND please don’t come in with the old tired argument of “He was speaking only to the twelve”, because if that was the case then The Great Commision was only for the twelve.

  30. Jake,
    I have some friends that are taking their father(who has cancer) to Lakeland. I pray that God would heal him. He is desperate. It is in that same kind of desperation where I have personally seen God move. I am sure my friends father is not the only one desperate enough to go to Lakeland for a move of God.

    Bless you and you wife on your trip.


  31. Naomi

    I’ll come onboard with a little help. What’s the nearest airport to fly into?

  32. Tim H

    Tim H
    I came in here yesterday to comment on the topic at the time, which was about OT and NT prophets, etc.
    You, my Brother, shifted the conversation to me about the Florida Healing Revival. Maybe you were thinking you and I were at my site, BUT it was you and not me who brought it up here. your post #113 is where you brought that up.

    As far as the rest goes, you are still my Brother in Christ and yes, I come into agreement for a healing touch from the Lord God Almighty for your son-in-law.

    Bless you and as always,
    Love in Christ Jesus

    No, post 113 was a general comment to ANYBODY that was talking about it from several posts earlier (see post 50), you asked a question on the TGC site and I responded to the question. You asked a simple question and as I explained I read it literally and tried to answer it in response to you. Didn’t realize that you had a point to make outside of that question and I admitted that. There are many topics on that post since it is a misc. thread and the discussion on Florida actually was started by someone else by asking a different question which eventually led to the things of Todd Bentley.

    YOU started that topic on your own site here by telling us that you decided to go to Florida and I responded here. I simply decided that if you and I were going to spat back and forth about the response you brought up, then we could have done so at your site, personally I was done talking about it and wanted to let it rest. I could tell that I ,myself, was getting to be rude and wanted to argue about things with you and I felt it best to end it.

    Thank you, I appreciate the fact that you will pray for my son-in-law.

    Tim H

  33. lbolm

    Thanks Tim,
    I was actually trying to “lighten up” the conversation yesterday, because I too felt it heading down the wrong path.

    Man is there anyway that you and I can “bury the hatchet”, without it being in each others head?

    Love in Christ Jesus

  34. wordseldomsaid

    have a good trip…i live close and am thinking fo driving down there myself…

  35. Lee


    I didn’t mean to convey that we should “respect” demons; but, that we should be cognizant of their powers:

    But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” [Jude 9]

    Yes, of course, Jesus empowered the twelve and others to cast out demons. Is this your plan in Lakeland? My point is to beware of the demonic activity. And, in my example of the ouija board above I wanted to point out that we should not dabble in the occult or we will not be protected. I’m not suggesting you plan on doing that — don’t get me wrong — but, just be cautious.

    Derek Prince makes my point much better than I ever could. Please read the from the first page under “Mixture produces confusion and division:”

    And, I think it prudent to point out that the Mark scripture you quoted was not in original manuscripts; and, hence some doubt its authenticity — just for the record. I understand it still doesn’t negate your point, however.

  36. lbolm

    If it was good enough to be canonized then it must have been good enough, or should I say ” GOD enough” to be put in there!!
    For those of you that don’t think Mark 16 should be in there, just get your sciccors out and cut out that part!!

    If I can’t trust what is in the Bible to be accurate and that it is supposed to be there, then I quess we should just all shut down and call it quits!!

    I am signing off now.
    I will be back Monday.
    I pray that you all have a blessed weekend.

    Love in Christ Jesus

  37. Lee

    C’mon Jake I did not say that I personally doubt or deny the scripture. I was just pointing out the facts in all fairness. I almost didn’t put that last paragraph in the post as that was only an aside. The most important part was about the mixture that Derek Prince points out. He has a lot more credibility than me.

  38. Lee

    The NIV Study Bible notes on Mark 9-20:

    “Serious doubt exits as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark. They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark. His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost.”

    And John Darby’s commentary states:

    “The last chapter is divided into two parts-a fact that has even given rise to questions as to the authenticity of verses 9-20. The first part of the chapter, verses 1-8, relates the end of the history in connection with the re-establishment of that which has always been before us in this Gospel -the relationship of the Prophet of Israel, and of the kingdom with the people (or at least with the remnant of the chosen people)…

    “…Verses 9-20. This is another testimony. The disciples do not appear here as an elect remnant, but in the unbelief natural to man. The message is sent to the whole world…”

    Now to provide a bit of balance. From the People’s New Testament:

    “The remainder of the chapter is not found in the Vatican or Siniatic Greek MSS., but is found in the Alexandrian. These are the three oldest and most reliable MSS. Some hold these verses to be a later addition, but as they are found in all the most ancient versions they must have been a part of Mark’s Gospel when the first century ended. Schaff, Plumptre, Olshausen, Lochman and others regard them genuine, while other critics consider them doubtful. A circumstance in their favor is that the Vatican MS. has a vacant space for them. It seems probable that in an early copy, therefore, they were omitted for some cause by a copyist who left space for them, but did not afterwards fill it, and that the Siniatic MS. was made from the mutilated copy. It is clear that verse 8 was not designed to conclude Mark’s narrative…

  39. Erling

    Hey, I’ve been reading these comments and I must say Lee, you really aren’t open to other people’s views. When your personal experience and doctrine gets more important than people getting healed and set free IN JESUS NAME, then change is really needed.
    Please have a more open heart for what Jesus is doing through the Holy Spirit.
    I mean, it almost seems that you don’t believe in signs and wonders. Are you one of those that believe that signs and wonders died out with the apostles?

    You say that Bentley isnt humble – Then what about yourself?!?

    Now I am not a biblical scholar or a well-educated man of God – but I do know that God sent Jesus because he loves us, and he wants to have a relationship with us. And Jesus said that we are going to experience greater things than he himself did.

    From Erling, 23 years old, Norway.

  40. Dan

    What we all need is not only a heart knowledge of the Word (Logos) , but a God encounter with the living Word (Rhema). We are to “know” God just as Adam “knew” Eve and she conceived. Are we afraid of that intimacy? Yes, the Bible is the Word of God, but are we substituting an intellectual relationship with a book for a personal relationship with it’s Author?
    Why is it that non-Christians are more apt to believe in miracles than so called Christians, who have been educated to become skeptics? Faith doesn’t see demons around every bend. It focuses on God. If you are seeking God with all your heart, will he not reveal Himself? Is Satan’s power to deceive more powerful than God’s power to reveal Himself to a seeking heart? God meets the desperate, the hungry and the thirsty.
    Have we been so over-educated, that we can put God in a box and dictate what he can and cannot do? Paul wrote this to the church at Corinth: “When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God…My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.” 1 Cor 2
    Go Jake, Go! & May God bless you richly!

  41. Lee


    I suppose you’re right that I’m not open to other’s views. The Word itself divides, 34″Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
    ” ‘a man against his father,
    a daughter against her mother,
    a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law –
    Matthew 10:34-35

    The major problem I have is the faulty doctrines this whole thing is based upon. Very shaky foundation. EVERYTHING must be tested by the Word. If you’re not familiar, please check out Bentley’s doctrinal background. He is a disciple of Bob Jones and Patricia King. He believes in the aberrant Latter Rain teachings along with its Dominionism/Manifest Sons of God/Joel’s Army/Omega Generation false doctrine.

    To be fair, I watched a bit on godtv (on the web) yesterday to get more of a first hand view. Bentley called to the stage those who had been healed. He interviewed them so the audience could here first hand the miraculous healings. However, with each one he give an “anointing” — BAM! Now, if these people were already healed, why did they need an “anointing?” Some of these people he even cut off midsentence with a BAM! And, others we would BAM! more than once. These are the ones who manifested the most. Many times he did with a grin not unlike an old gunslinger blowing the smoke from his recently fired weapon.

    Were these people really healed? I sure hope so. Most looked very sincere. God can and will heal despite the circumstances. The proof will be if these healings actually stick. There is proof of psychosomatic healings which did not last after an event such as this. And, no I’m not of those who disbelieves in miracles and signs and wonders for today. However, I am one who is very cautious given the many warnings in New Testament scripture. And, I’m no theologian.

    I caught about 45 minutes of this yesterday including the tail end in which Bentley gave credit to a host of heretics iincluding the very controversial William Branham. He also used the words “Latter Rain” exposing this errant doctrine. Interestingly, most of these people deny they follow Latter Rain which was deemed heresy in the Late ’40s or early ’50s by the Assemblies Of God church, yet they practice it nonetheless.

    If you are not familiar with any of these teachings I highly suggest researching for your own benefit. Will God bless a gathering that is not truly in His name. In a broader sense, I don’t think so; but, I do believe sincere true Holy Spirit indwelled believers can receive a true blessing. I also feel that demonic spirits can and will oppress true believers who go in against God’s strong word against it.

    You wrote, “And Jesus said that we are going to experience greater things than he himself did.”

    Well, that’s not exactly it. Jesus said we would do “greater works” not have “experience greater things.” I point this out just because there are many who are looking for some kind of ecstatic experience. Jesus also said simply, “If you love me you’ll obey my commands.” It’s all about obedience and faith!

    However, we must have faith based upon the parameters of God’s Word.



    Yes, God put himself in a “box.” It’s his Holy Word! This is the standard we are to use to test things — not our (or someone else’s) experience.

    You wrote, “We are to “know” God just as Adam “knew” Eve and she conceived.” The only conclusion I can reach with this statement is that we are to have sex with God — and that is DEFINITELY not right! If this is not what you meant, then please clarify.

  42. kat

    I read all of your comments on this page and the first thing that I really felt in my heart was that you must really be careful of who you lable a false prophet or teacher(Bob Jones, Todd Bentley… Even mentionning Patricia King). You should seriously pray about it and remove all prior thoughts regarding the matter from your mind before hand, because as was mentionned, “If this is not from God, then it will fail and fall to the wayside, BUT if it is of God then you will be fighting against Him”.

    You certainly have a right to your opinion however falsely labeling men and women of God when you are not certain whether you are even correct in your insinuations is dangerous business. I also felt the need to question your statement regarding what a “humble” man of God looks like. I can see you are familiar with the word of the lord and so you must be familiar with this verse:
    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
    Your idea of what a humble man looks like may not be the same as God’s idea. I would also like to point out that Todd was asked in an interview( I will try and find the link) about his appearence(tattoos and so forth), and his reply was along the lines of “If your not going to accept me, your not going to accept the ones comming in.” (referring to the incredible amount of souls that will pour into the kingdom. God chose him for a reason. It may not be a reason that satisfies you, but thats okay because his ways are different than your ways and as humans were are incapable of understanding the mind of the creator.

    Finally, I would like to touch the point of him sending the annointing power of the lord on the people who were already healed. I thought it was rather evident and wonderful. He was simply imparting the annointing power that he had over himself onto others.

    Also, I think its important to realize that as christians we have the power to cast out demons in the name of JESUS CHRIST, and so when attending a healing revival such as this one, going as followers of Jesus and in search of him, Im sure you would agree that that is completely different then playing with a ouija board(pure Satanic). If this infact were a demonic gathering claiming to be of God, and you as a chistian were going to meet the father face to face to receive healing or just to take in more of him, he would not remove his protection over you. Have you forgotten how incredible and unimaginable the love of the father is for each and every single one of us? If you are hungry for him and desperately searching him he wouldnot lead you astray:
    “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

    There is not much more I can say other than really pray about this, that god will reveil his love and truth to you.

    Side note, I am just so thnankful for the times we are in. We are living in the last days, and PRAISE GOD for that!!!! It’s just going to be about God from here on out, so lets take the word and power of the lord to the streets and save this world!!


    GOD BLESS!!!!

  43. Lee


    I really appreciate the heart/spirit with which you wrote your comments. Perhaps I come off as a bit harsh. It’s not my intention; but, I try to present things as dispassionately as possible so as not to appear inflammatory. However, while I wish it were not the case, it is quite obvious to me that the Bob Jones, Bentley and Patricia King are false prophets/teachers. I will clarify why in a bit.

    First off, please bear in mind all the scriptures which warn of deception/apostasy. Many were Jesus’ own words (Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 24:4-25/Mark 13:1-37/Luke 21:5-36; Matt 16:6,11-12); but, especially in the letters/epistles (Galations 5:7-10; Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; 1 Timothy 6:3-10; 2 Timothy 3:12-13; 2 Timothy 4:2-4; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Peter 3:17-18; 2 John 1:7-8). The most stern warning is the strong delusion written in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. I do believe the lawless one [NIV] has come but is not yet revealed.

    And, please remember: “A little yeast works through the whole dough.” False teaching has a LOT of Truth in it. It’s just that little bit that’s “off.” How else would we be deceived? Not many would be deceived by teaching that is obviously bad.

    While things not of God will ultimately fail; they do not necessarily fail right away. There are numerous examples in scripture of this. And, regarding the Isaiah 55:8-9 passage — this is obviously true; but, then, God is also “the same yesterday, today and forever.” He will not go against His Word.

    There is no biblical justification for a true prophet of God to be less than 100% correct — not the 66% Bob Jones asserts was imparted to him in a “vision” or some such. And, Jones and Bentley’s assertion that they can go to the 3rd Heaven at will is nothing short of astral travel which is divination — an abomination in the sight of the LORD. And, Patricia King (and others) speak of open portals / open heaven which is New Age teaching. And, this is not even speaking about the other errant teachings (Joel’s Army/Manifest Sons of God/Dominionism, etc.) espoused by all of these.

    I would also like to point out that Todd was asked in an interview( I will try and find the link) about his appearence(tattoos and so forth), and his reply was along the lines of “If your not going to accept me, your not going to accept the ones comming in.” (referring to the incredible amount of souls that will pour into the kingdom…

    It’s important to note that Bentley received his tattoos and piercings only a few years ago — well after he became a Christian. Why would he go against scripture and defile his own temple? And, how arrogant of him to say if we don’t accept him (Bentley) we’re not going to accept the others coming in.

    Not to be rude or condescending; but, as pointed out by another blogger, if Bentley was healing obesity and baldness, why doesn’t he ‘heal’ himself? And, why wouldn’t he heal his mentor Bob Jones who himself is obese and has some kidney troubles? It’s not my intent to make light of anyone’s physical ailments; but, can you see my point here? Couldn’t Bentley just “anoint” Jones and cure him? This is because it’s a FALSE anointing.

    This does not mean that genuine healing can take place. God will do HIS will regardless of the circumstances as you pointed out. I believe that if a Holy Spirit indwelled believer comes to an event like this (yes, I prefer to call it an event) in faith unaware of the dangers there, then God can heal. Additionally, and this is REAL important, Satan can heal and do many signs and wonders (just look at the scriptures I cited above).

    So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the LORD commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. 11 Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts: 12 Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. [Exodus 7:10-12]

    If you are hungry for him and desperately searching him he wouldnot lead you astray I agree with this only to a point. If we are given a ‘check’ in our spirit about something, yet go in anyway, we are on our own. It’s one thing to be ignorant, it’s quite another to be disobedient.

    You wrote that God chose him for a reason. I say God did not choose him, but he chose himself; so, we have a different point of reference.

    I’ll agree with your side note that we are in the last days and Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Hallelujah!

    However, I did want to add clarity to the Acts scripture you cited. It’s important to include verses 15 & 16:

    15These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! 16No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: {NIV}

    Peter is stating that the last days are here; that is, at that time at Pentecost. The last days started with Christ’s victory over death at His resurrection and continues till the end. Verses 17-18 then do not mean that the Spirit will be poured out at the very end of the end of the age as many purport.

    However, as I pointed out with the above scriptures and wish to reiterate: deception and apostasy WILL grow as we near the end of the end. My hope is to snatch others from the fire and save them [Jude 23] and, 19My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, 20remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. [James 5:19-20]

    Stay in the Word and pray! And, spread the Gospel!

  44. lbolm

    While I may not agree with you on some of your points, I will say this.
    I got this in the Spirit a few months ago, which is the way God reveals the Truth today,
    In Acts 2 when Peter declared ” This is that that was spoken of by Joel “, If “this was that, then what are you waiting on ? “. God’s Spirit was poured out that day and HIS Spirit is in us all, IF WE BE IN HIM .
    We have already been given ALL we need to walk into whatever God has for us. We don’t have to go to Florida or wherever God’s presense is being felt in more tangible ways. We don’t have to have hands laid on by any man to receive what God wants us to have freely been given. BUT!!!!!!!!!
    If you were standing in a place and was able to see a man laying down with his head on a rock asleep. THEN, all of a sudden, a ladder appeared and you could see angels going up and down to heaven, WHAT would you do ??
    Would you stay just far enough away to see if this might be God or not ?
    Would your mindset keep you from a possible move of God ?

    I have read your comments here and I believe you to be the same person over at The Greycoats site as well. If you feel to not believe what God is doing, then don’t .
    Jesus said, [ paraphrase mine ] satan won’t cast out satan ! How can a kingdom divided stand.
    If satan’s kingdom will fall if he cast himself out, then what about our Faith in God to heal, set free and deliver ? IF we are divided on these things, then where does that keep the Body at ? Full of doubt and unbelief !!
    When Jesus returns, will He find Faith ?

    ” Seek Ye first, the Kingdom of God, and ALL HIS RIGHTOUSNESS, and all of these things shall be added unto you ”

    We are all on a quest !
    What is it that you are looking for ?
    Is it the Truth ? Pilate didn’t recognize the Truth, even when it was standing right in front of him .

    Let He who has an ear to hear, HEAR !!!

  45. Lee


    Yes, I’m the same guy over at Grey Coats and was over at SignofJonah also.

    God’s Spirit was poured out that day and HIS Spirit is in us all, IF WE BE IN HIM .
    We have already been given ALL we need to walk into whatever God has for us. We don’t have to go to Florida or wherever God’s presense is being felt in more tangible ways. We don’t have to have hands laid on by any man to receive what God wants us to have freely been given.

    I’m mostly in agreement with this (except that God’s presence is/was in Florida). You made it clearer and I wish to make it abundantly clear: In the Acts 2:17-18 verses, these mean that the Holy Spirit will indwell all true believers. However, the phrase “on all mankind” DOES NOT mean that ALL will be Christians. It means that all kinds; i.e., both genders, all races, young and old alike from all different socio-economic backgrounds will become Christians. I just wanted to clear that up because I’ve heard/seen others who believe that ALL will believe at the end. Uh-uh.

    And, frankly, I don’t want just anyone laying hands on me!

    It wouldn’t be my mindset, that would hold me back. First I would pray; but, I would be thinking “Now where in the Bible has something like THIS occurred?” After seeking Him, I’m certain that I would be led to the right decision. I can tell you my gut right here is that that your above scenario would not be from God.

    I’m assuming, however, you’re referring to Jacob’s Dream in Genesis 28. I’m keeping in mind that this was a dream and not a vision in which I’m fully awake as you’re describing above. In the Biblical account it’s important to remember that Jacob was not 100% sure of this and even made a “deal” with God that he would give Him a tenth if he was afforded safe passage.

  46. Lee

    Jesus said, [ paraphrase mine ] satan won’t cast out satan ! How can a kingdom divided stand.
    If satan’s kingdom will fall if he cast himself out, then what about our Faith in God to heal, set free and deliver ? IF we are divided on these things, then where does that keep the Body at ? Full of doubt and unbelief !!
    When Jesus returns, will He find Faith ?

    Oh, I definitely believe God heals. I pointed that out in some of my posts above. I also believe Satan can heal. If he can turn a staff into a snake; then satan can certainly heal. There are plenty of NT scriptures which speak of miracles, signs and wonders being done be the lawless one to deceive the very elect — if that were possible.

    I also believe God is faithful. However, I admit that my faith waxes and wanes. Some days are better than others. I pray for more faith constantly!

    We are all on a quest !


    What is it that you are looking for ?
    Is it the Truth ?

    Yes, the full Truth!

    Pilate didn’t recognize the Truth, even when it was standing right in front of him .

    This is true; however, I already know the Truth. And, because Jesus Christ first chose me, I was able to choose Him. [John 15:16] This humbles me. I often wonder why I was chosen and not any of my brothers (yet!).

    It’s important to note that Jesus also chose Judas Iscariot. I believe Judas was used to fulfill God’s ultimate plan of redemption. Also, there are plenty of OT scriptures in which enemies of Israel and God were used by God to chastise the nation Israel and eventually lead them back to repentance.

    I will continue to test everything by the Word and the Holy Spirit. We’ll have to agree to disagree regarding Bentley and the Lakeland, Florida thing.

  47. Lee

    Regarding Truth:

    31To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” [John 8:31-32]

    Truth is doctrine, the whole counsel of God — the Holy Bible.

    9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. [2 Thessalonians 2:9-12]

    It’s the love of the Truth, not just the knowledge of it. Seek the Truth in the Holy Scriptures and pray. Pray for discernment. Pray for wisdom as opposed to man’s knowledge. Then you will assuredly not be deceived!

  48. lbolm

    It is obvious that you don’t believe what is going on in Florida is real or that it is from God. I will not debate with you about views, because that’s exactly what you are debating. When you say that we are to use the whole cousel of God – the Holy Bible, I believe you are sincere in your approach.
    I happen to believe, as do many other people that come by here, that God is Alive and Well and quite frankly doesn’t need my approval or yours in how HE chooses to move on the earth. Your approach paints a ” BIG satan , little God ” picture and I for one don’t quite buy it.
    satan has no power over me except what I give him by entry way with my thoughts, actions and words.
    Your reference to 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 doesn’t hold up because it is speaking to the wicked that have refused to believe the truth of God and of His Son.

    Your reference to “the very elect” being deceived should say ” if it were possible”

    Matthew 24:24
    For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

    I won’t discuss Todd Bently and his theology with you either Lee. Your view of him, and Bob Jones, Patricai King and I can name others that I know you have a problem with their theology.
    I am not defending them nor am I a supporter of their ministries.

    God began revealing to me, through both His Word and His Spirit, these things long before I had ever heard of any of these people or their beliefs.

    I say all these things to close with you on this remark you made earlier, ” we will have to agree to disagree”.
    I think in the spirit of unity, that would be a good place to end our thoughts on the matter.

    Love in Christ Jesus

  49. Lee


    For the record I did use the Matthew 24:24 verse in its entirety in my very first post above.

    And, I never said the goings-on in Florida were not real. I’m just questioning the source.

    I’ve already said enough here at this site regarding this particular subject; so, I’m done. I will only post further comments if a subsequent post shows that an individual has misconstrued any of my comments. It will only be for clarification.

    All in Christ,


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