Tag Archives: Todd Bentley

“Deceived Unto Death”

Deceived Unto Death!

I awakened by The Spirit this morning and was given the following to speak to The Body about this very URGENT need to rightly “Discern” the “things” that are being passed off as to be things of “Christ”.

There is a saying that’s been around a little while that we are to “eat the whole chicken and then spit out the bones”, and that saying has been used a LOT in matters concerning “The New Things” that are happening with in The Body of Christ. We heard it an awful lot during the “Lakeland Revival”, and those in “Leadership” told the Body to do that any time they are pushing something “different.

Without getting into a lengthy discussion on the “Lakeland Revival” and the eventual demise of it, it is necessary that we look into this teaching of “eating the whole thing and spitting out the bones”

The Plumbline of God is the ONLY place that we should “measure” ALL teachings by. We are to just “Blindly go by” the teachings of people because of a “Title” or that they are “Over’ some “Large Network” of “Apostles and Prophets”, or from some “large mainstream denomination.

In 3 of the 4 Gospels, Yahushua tells us “ many will come in My name, BUT, do not believe them!!” [Paraphrase mine- Matt.24:5, Mark13:6, Luke21:8]

I want to tell you a story, a “parable of sorts”.
There was a young wolf that found himself to be very hungry, for it was a hard cold winter. The scenery was pretty to many people, BUT to the wolf, it was the cause of hardship. Food was in very short supply. One day while out hunting he got the “scent of blood” and took of to find it. He was so hungry and “starved”, that he took of without thinking of anything but to get “to the food”. After quite a rough little trip, the little wolf got to his “prey” and found what he thought to be food. After all, it looked like a bone that had fresh blood and even a little bit of meat. The wolf started lapping on the “bone” and the more he lapped the “better it tasted”. Little did he know, that the bone was a “Popsicle of death”, a very sharp knife, dipped in blood and frozen just for him. As the wolf lapped on the “bone” it was soon his own blood he was tasting, and soon his own “desire” for this “food” led him to his death.

In Paul’s letter to the Church at Thessalonica, he gives them many warnings, especially in chapter 5. The first SEVERAL verse speak to be careful of those who come in to the fold, and then Paul tells them these words that most have heard over and over, yet miss the meaning because they miss the “whole context” of the letter in chapter 5.

1 Thessalonians 5:21-23 (King James Version)
21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22Abstain from all appearance of evil.
23And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray    God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I want to address these 3 verses in the context of Paul’s writing and then make it applicable to these claims of “eating the chicken and spitting out the bones”.
Verse 21 tells us very clearly to “Prove all things”, which is to test by the written Word of God and By The Holy Spirit using discernment. The word “all” in the Greek means exactly that, “ALL, the whole of a thing, all forms of declension”. Just because it may have the “endorsement of someone” or the backing of some “network”, doesn’t mean that we should “blindly accept it”, to be the “truth”. The second part of that verse says, “hold fast that which is good”. Beloved the ONLY way to KNOW something to be good is to know it to be GOD! “My sheep KNOW My voice”
Verse 22 says,  “Abstain from all appearance of evil”. The problem here is, evil can come in many forms, even in the form of a tasty, blood soaked “Popsicle of death”. Notice the word “ALL” is used again and is directed to the word “Appearance”, which in the Greek means, ” a view, ie; FORM, fashion, shape or sight”.
Read these words to Timothy from Paul;

2 Timothy 3:4-6 (King James Version)

4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5Having a FORM of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Notice verse 5, that these people have a “FORM” of godliness.

Now back to the text of 1 Thess.5 and looking at verse 23;
Paul tells them as he starts to pray for them, that “the very God of peace sanctify you wholly”.  Beloved, as we run to these “New Things”, one of the first things we should have in our “spirit man”, especially if we are “Born Again” and Living by The Spirit, is “peace”. The kind of peace given to us by “the very God of peace”. If you have an uneasy feeling about something, you should “Prove ALL things”. Just because it looks good, sounds good, and may even “taste good”, doesn’t mean that you should “eat the chicken and then spit out the bones later”. Just like the hungry wolf, for him, “later was TOO LATE”. He had been “Deceived unto Death”.
Any good “Vet” will tell you “don’t give chicken bones to your dog, because they splinter easy and could choke them to death, lodged in their throat”.
Beloved, DO NOT go around eating “the whole chicken”, it could be a            “Popsicle of Death”!!


Filed under Charismatic, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, religion, Spirit of God, Uncategorized

What is going on at MorningStar?

This is a MUST SEE video, and it saddens me that things have gotten to this.



Filed under Charismatic, evangelical, Holy Spirit, religion, Spirit of God

LBOLM on fast from blog!

As many of you know, we are in a season of prayer and fasting. As part of that, to be obedient to what The Lord has given us in the Spirit, I will be fasting computer and TV for the next 7 days.

 This means LBOLM will NOT be moderated again until 8-11-08, when we come back to the office. If you are a first time visitor to LBOLM and you wish to comment, your comments will not be viewable until then.

Thanks for your understanding and THANKS especially for your prayers and words of encouragement as we seek The Lord’s will during this time.

Love in Christ Jesus, Yahushua



Filed under apologetics, Apostles, Charismatic, Christianity, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Pentacostal, prayer, religion, Spirit of God

Fair and Balanced ? or censorship ?

In the Christian blog community lately, there seems to be a “rash” of post deletions, when those who offer up differing opinions just drop by and try to get involved in the discussion.

At lbolm, I have tried to be sort of like the “O’Rielly” of these things lately, trying to offer up a balanced side of the things. THAT being said, I still have to monitor this site to make sure no one is out of line with the subject being discussed and that appropriate language is always used.

There seems to be an ever increasing number of “christian blog sites”, that have become more like the “Springer” show. Taking on and encouraging controversial issues, without getting other views.

It is becoming clear, that these aren’t interested in promoting the “Truth”, as much as it is to promoting “Their Truth”.

I want even get into what is the ” Truth “. I am more interested in Who is Truth ! His name is Yahushua, Jesus Christ.

lbolm.wordpress will continue in the fashion and premise that it started from in October of 2007. We want everyone to feel welcome here and to post as often as they feel led to. This is NOT a “bashing place” for those of opposing views. We post our beliefs and don’t try to “force” our beliefs on anyone, nor do I delete post, just because of opposing views.

I recently got a post from someone with some pretty serious accusations. In an E-mail back to this poster, I asked him to furnish evidence of what he was saying or that I would delete his post from my files. As of today, he has failed to furnish the said evidence. If he does, and it checks out, then I will post his post with the evidence he submits.

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Filed under apologetics, Apostles, cessasionist, Charismatic, Christianity, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Pentacostal, religion, Spirit of God, theology

Broken elbow healed! Ex-rays to boot!

So what do we do with this one?



Filed under apologetics, Apostles, cessasionist, Charismatic, Christianity, evangelical, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Pentacostal, prophets, religion, Spirit of God

Fire Falls in Lakeland Revival !

I just got this video in an Email.


Forget the fact they are talking about eagles, which may have been ospreys.

Stop the video at 34/35 seconds and put it on fullscreen.

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Filed under apologetics, Apostles, Bible, cessasionist, Charismatic, Christianity, faith, God, Jesus Christ, religion

Testimonies of The Lakeland Revival ! update !

The following link is for ALL who wish to post actual, personal, testimonies of the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. Both positive and negative testimonies are welcome ! Please follow the standards in the Post, as this is for ACTUAL testimonies only !


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Filed under apologetics, Apostles, cessasionist, Charismatic, Christianity, evangelical, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Pentacostal, prophets, religion, Spirit of God

Testimonies from the Lakeland Revival !

This is a post for anyone who has actually been to the Lakeland Revival where evangelist Todd Bentley has been holding extended meetings now for 60+ days.

Whatever your experience in the revival was, positive or negative, we want to hear it! If you have actual documented proof of any healing and want to share it with the world, let me know in your post and I will contact you for that info.

PLEASE, do not post any second hand testimonies about “what you heard from someone else”. Only what you personaly KNOW to be the truth.

This post is limited to ONLY those who have been there and is not to be used as a “debate” post. Any post outside of an actual testimony WILL BE DELETED ! If you want to debate the revival there are a couple of places on this site already where you can participate in those type of discussions. Thanks for your cooperation in this.

Living Bread of Life Ministry is in no way connected with Todd Bentley or any of his associates. We are just asking for those who will, to share what you experienced in Lakeland .

Thanks and God Bless !


Filed under apologetics, Apostles, cessasionist, Charismatic, Christianity, church, evangelical, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Pentacostal, prayer, prophets, religion, Spirit of God, theology

An Observation about The Lakeland Revival.

I was watching last night, June 9th, 2008 and was somewhat suprised when David Tomberlane introduced a gentleman from Lebanon to speak. The gentleman was a spry 78 year old, I forget his name, and he gave a testimony about his life and how God had helped him in many area of life. It was pretty good, what all he had been through, the ups and downs of life.

Here is what really got me ! This man gives a good old fashioned alter call !! Praise God !! As he was speaking about getting your life right with God, I noticed that the crowd had grown quite and some even appeared to be leaving, or at least the tent. As he started urging people to come and get right with God, it was slow in the begining, but the next thing you know, there was a good many down at the altar. We don’t know why they were there, nor is it for us to know. They were there because the Holy Spirit led them to the altar. That much I believe.

Then, after leading them through a prayer of salvation and repentance, the gentleman starts asking people if any of them felt God healing them in any area of their body. This went on for a few minutes, without a whole lot of response.

Then, David Tomberlane, said that he felt “That God was wanting to release another wave of healing”, as if there had already been one. My point was this. This guy from Lebanon gave a good message and a very good alter call. BUT, it wasn’t as excitable as normal. The atmosphere wasn’t as “pumped up” as usual. Could it be that David Tomberlane felt that the people was losing interest and that he needed to get them “pumped up”, my word, and excited, “That God was wanting to release a new wave of healing”.

I don’t know. Maybe it was just me. But, there seemed to be a sort of feeling in the air, that ” Todd is not here tonight, and things are not happening like normal”. If what I was sensing last night to be the case, then is it that maybe some of the critics have been right. That there is a “lot of hype”.

I believe God to have been stirring things up at Lakeland in the begining. Just my opinion. But if what I was feeling last night to be the case, could it be that the Hand of God is not on it anymore ?

As I said in my original post, ” If it ain’t from God, it will fail. But if it is, then you are fighting against God”.

I for one am just not going to fight against God.



Filed under apologetics, Apostles, Bible, cessasionist, Charismatic, Christianity, church, evangelical, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Pentacostal, prophets, religion, sin, Spirit of God, theology

Off to the Florida Healing Revival ! Update !!

Well it has been a couple of weeks since Teresa and I went to Lakeland Florida to check out what was going on there.

We got there on the morning of April 26, caught a quick nap and went to the morning services being held at Ignited Church, where the revival started.

The Praise and Worship music at the beginning was good and then they introduced Dr. Clarice Fluitt to the platform as the speaker. Even though she was well known to the crowd there, we had never heard of her nor knew what to expect. All I can say is WOW ! Her message was filled with the Agape Love of Father God and with the flow of The Holy Spirit. Many came forward to give their lives to Christ and to ask God to forgive them of their sins.

We rested and reflected that afternoon and then made the short trip over to Auburndale where the revival had moved to, after out growing the smaller venue. We stood in line patiently waiting to get in and conversed with many people from all over the U.S. who we were standing by. The biggest thing I kept hearing was how “Hungry” they were for more of God.

I noticed my left arm started twitching pretty hard and about that time a young lady we had met that morning came walking by. I stopped her to share with her about that morning and the fellowship. I noticed a cloth type brace on her left arm. I knew right off that this was why my arm had been twitching. I asked her about it and she said it was from “carpel tunal” and that it had been bothering her. I asked her if I could pray for it and I “know that I know” that she received her healing. She walked away rejoicing!

We finally got in to the facility and Teresa and I were in the very tail of the last group to get in, before the max capacity. We got in and couldn’t find a seat but we stayed and just worshipped God the Father from where we were. There was such a “presence” in that place. I have felt the “healing presence” before and I knew this to be what I was feeling in my spirit.

I truly believe God to be on the move at Lakeland Florida, in spite of or despite of what things may look like or sound like to the natural mind. Why does God use some of the people that He uses ? I can only think of what happened for me personally when I got “called” to do this ministry that God has placed on me. Of all the people and of all the places in the world, why me and why here, is what I asked the Lord. He reminded me that in His Kingdom, the least shall become first [or greatest]. I can honestly say that I felt like Saul of Tarsus, when he had been “called”, and I said “well God, if you can use a murderer like Saul, then surely you can use me”. Saul, later Paul, says in Galatians 1, that he wasn’t “called by man” but by God, and a few verses over from that he says that the things that he spoke of was given to him by the revelation of Jesus, taught by the Spirit [paraphrase mine].

The end results of any ministry work, small or large, should be that people would come to know God The Father through the Son, Jesus Christ. We can’t go into anything with blinders on, unable to tell God on the move from whatever else may be on the move. BUT, we can’t go in with preconceived notions of who, what or where God will move, therefore, hindering God’s Spirit from moving. As I stated in my original post a few weeks ago, “if this is not from God, then it will fail”, But if it is from God, then those who are opposing this move, are struggling against God. I believe that as there have been many attacks on Christianity and it’s authenticity over the centuries, Christianity has stood the test of time, therefore let this “outpouring” stand the test of time.

All the “arm chair quarterbacks” out there making judgements and taking stabs at this move would do good to remind themselves that there were some weird goings on in Jesus ministry as well. I am certain that someone thought it weird when Jesus picked up some dirt and spit in it and rubbed it in the eyes of a blind man. There probably was some “naysayers” around on another occasion when Jesus laid hands on a blind man, without a complete healing right off the bat. It took 3 tries. Those naysayers were probably grumbling right off about “see I told you he wasn’t a true healer” and then went off to tell others about it. I KNOW IT DOESN”T SAY THAT IN OUR BIBLE ! I am just making reference to those who would try and disprove something before they have had the chance to test it over a period of time!! The heart of man seems to never change when it comes to these things. That is until it happens to them personally!! That’s why we call it a “testimony”. When we have personally gone through something and seen the hand of God move on our behalf, NO AMOUNT of naysayers can change our minds. WE KNOW THAT WE KNOW !!

In closing and in all fairness, we went to two morning sessions at Ignited Church and there was more teaching and a sense of closer one to one ministry there then what was going on in the evening sessions. Do I regret going ? NO ! Not at all.

I learned a few years ago about “running all over the place to be where God was moving”. The same God that you are seeking at these meetings is already here within each of us, for the Kingdom of God is within you, says The Lord Jesus!   Jesus tells us to GO ye therefore……. ! We should strive to remember that the best way to get more of God, for those of us who are hungry for Him, is to give some of Him away. Has anyone seen the Kingdom of God from you today ?? Has anyone felt HIS Agape Love from you today ??         GO, GO, GO !!! Spread the Good News !!

Love in Christ Jesus





Filed under apologetics, Apostles, Charismatic, Christianity, church, evangelical, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Pentacostal, prayer, religion, Spirit of God, theology